Acne and Clogged Pores
To minimise breakouts and skin irritations, put greater care into removing makeup and cleansing thoroughly. I advocate double cleansing, such as using the Milk Cleanser for makeup removal and the Honey Cleanser for regular cleansing. The Miel…
Facial oil?
From your description, your skin type is mostly likely combination skin: a mix of skin types in the T-zone and cheeks. Instead of facial oil for the T-zone area, opt for serums that contain Hyaluronic acid, and for the dry cheek areas, look…
Skin what is best
For lines and wrinkles, I would recommend the Elixr-V Total Recovery Serum, used in conjunction with the Qraser Anti-Wrinkle Transdermal Delivery Patch. The serum is an intensely nourishing concentrate of deep hydrating, lifting and tightening…
Multi Ceram Moisturizer
This moisturiser is formulated as a Prescription Emollient Device (PED), the gold standard in eczema management and also the optimal moisturizer for barrier protection against maskne. The key ingredients include:Phytoceramides - these are…
“Dandruff” on only one side of head?
Do you have an itch, redness or pain on your scalp? An undiagnosed inflammatory scalp disease such as seborrheic dermatitis, scalp eczema or psoriasis can be responsible.Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a yeast known as malassezia furfur…
Benzoyl Preoxide Acne Treatment (2.5%)
Hi Jannah,Avoid acne spot creams with synthetic active ingredients such as retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, salicylic acid, as these will cause increased skin irritation (irritant contact dermatitis), especially when applied under the…
Copper mask availability
Hello Ying Ying, thank you for your interest. Stock of the face mask is available at the moment and we are also looking at maintaining availability in the medium term. We do have new variations of the mask launching real soon, do stay tuned…
Constant new pimples forming especially on my chin area and then trying to get rid of those scars
Hi there! If you have noticed more than 5 pimples every month and this has been going on for at least six weeks, you may have a problem of acne. Acne itself is not considered a normal part of healthy skin although it is very common for teenagers…
Facial scrubs
Hi Aisyah,I don’t recommend to use scrubs. Instead, for cleansing, you may use a gentle, effective cleanser that is oil emulsion-based to remove makeup pigments, followed by a lathering cleanser which contains natural alternative emulsifiers…
Dealing with Comedones
Hi Gladys,The cause of closed comedones is due to the underlying genetic tendency of the skin to be inflamed and produce these tiny seeds which slowly rise to the skin’s surface. Some types of makeup or skin-care products can actually cause…