At Dr.TWL Custom Makeup Lab, we envision a world of conscious makeup without waste, perfect customization to your skin tone and virtual reality makeup testers. This Virtual Blush Mixer is the perfect AI training tool for our Skincare Makeup Palette, which allows you to mix infinite shades of of your favourite blush-lip color.
@drteowanlin Let’s Play! #LimitedByImagination #drtwl ♬ Woodblocks – Kokonoku
For iOS devices, DOUBLE TAP to choose your base colour and modifiers.
To start the Virtual Blush Mixer, click here and
select “Request Temporary Access to the Demo Server” then return to this page.
This grants your IP address temporary access to the advanced color mixing server which computes the results of your color mixing.
Please note that the mixer only works when temporary access to the demo server is granted to your IP address.