best treatment for dandruff

Best Treatment for Dandruff: Zinc Pyrithione Shampoos

Dandruff is a common scalp condition involving abnormal scalp flaking. Half of the adult human population have dandruff at some time in their lives. Flaking is the most visible sign of dandruff and one may see them on one’s hair and shoulders.…
best hair treatment

Best Hair Serum for Hair Growth

The use of plant oils is a natural way to smoothen and condition your hair as compared to the use of harsh chemicals. Bioactive substances present in plant oils contribute to their moisturising, conditioning, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant…

A Beauty Brand That is Taking the Environment Seriously

This World Ocean Day, we explore how Dr.TWL Pharmacy is now the first luxury skincare pharmacy in Singapore to offer refillable skincare and beauty packaging. We would like to share the launch of our cult favorite products now available in…

Best Haircare Treatment Singapore

Maintenance and grooming of the hair is a daily routine for most people, and it is becoming increasingly common for people to invest time and money on hair care. In this article we will go through what makes healthy hair, the importance of…

10 Questions on Hair Loss Dermatologist Singapore Tips

Are you searching for a hair loss dermatologist in Singapore to treat your hair fall condition? Do you have a sensitive, itchy scalp?Dr. Teo Wan Lin is a hair loss dermatologist in Singapore, providing teleconsultation services and expertly…