Masking Up: Dermatologist’s Guide to Maskne (Free Gift of Blemish Spot Cream Whilst Stocks Last)
$49.90 (w/gst)
Also Available on Amazon Kindle
Masking Up – A Dermatologist’s Guide to Maskne is written by Dr. Teo Wan Lin, one of Singapore’s prominent dermatologists and medical director at TWL Specialist Skin & Laser Centre.
Mask acne or ‘maskne’ for short is a new term coined during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, more precisely known as acne mechanica or occlusion acne to dermatologists. This book is written as a guide to the phenomenon, with skincare, makeup tips for the “new normal” of mask-wearing, as well as information on how to choose the right fabric mask.
Dr. Teo leads the development of a materials science research arm, Dr.TWL Biomaterials, that focuses on ecologically sustainable, novel biomaterials for skin applications. As the first dermatologist-led cosmeceutical textile company, the biomaterials arm develops cutting edge technology for new generation biofunctional textiles. A pioneer dermatologist in the field of biofunctional textiles development, Dr. Teo’s original research letter “Diagnostic and Management Considerations of Maskne in the Era of COVID-19” was published by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, ranked the top* dermatology journal internationally, in October 2020.
*2019 impact factor rankings published by the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Web of Science Group.
Maskne Protection Bundle Available here.
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